



My School Life

My School Life

During my school years, I have had a wide range of extracurricular activities to enrich my school life.

A Group of Students Enjoying Outdoor Activities

One such activity was the annual outdoor sports competition organized by our school’s sports council. This competition brought together students from different schools, enabling them to interact and develop camaraderie through shared activities.

A Group of Students Enjoying Outdoor Activities

Another event that I have been actively involved in during my school years is the annual debate organized by our school’s debating society. This debate brought together students from different schools, enabling them to interact and develop a deeper understanding of various philosophical concepts through an engaging and thought-provoking debate.

A Group of Students Enjoying Outdoor Activities

Lastly, one of the most important aspects of my school life is undoubtedly the annual art exhibition organized by our school’s visual arts council. This exhibition brings together students from different schools, enabling them to interact and develop a deeper understanding of various forms of artistic expression through an engaging and thought-provoking exhibition.

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